Virginia Morris. How to Care for Aging Parents. Workman Publishing Company, Inc. New York, NY. 2004. 691 pages.
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As your parents age, their needs begin to change. How to Care for An Aging Parent -- a revised and greatly expanded edition of a book first published in 1995 -- can help you deal with these changes as they occur. The book is a comprehensive look at almost every issue you might encounter as your parents age, whether they are living on their own, with you, or in a nursing home.
The author, journalist Virginia Morris, uses a straightforward and conversational tone to discuss the various issues you may face as your parents get older. The book encourages parents and children to be upfront and talk about the issues involved in aging, and Morris offers tips to help facilitate those conversations. She emphasizes the importance of helping your parents retain independence and self respect and of taking care of yourself.
Topics covered include when to intervene in your parent's life, how to keep parents healthy, where to find help if needed, how to choose a doctor, options for housing and paying for health care, saying goodbye, and dealing with grief. Quotes from adult children dealing with these issues are scattered throughout and add a personal dimension to the book. With a 100-page "Yellow Pages" section of addresses, phone numbers, and Web pages of helpful organizations, the book is a one-stop shop for information on aging.