Federal Website Expands Disability Information As FCC Makes Things Easier for People with Hearing Impairments

ComputerThe federal government has a vast storehouse of information on disability programs and services, but up until now it’s been a challenge to find what you’re looking for.  Things just got a lot easier now that Disability.gov, the federal government's portal for all things related to disabilities, has issued 14 guides that point people with disabilities and their family members towards an array of government benefits and programs.  Visitors can quickly pinpoint information on how to apply for disability benefits, find a job, get health care, pay for accessible housing, and much more.

The new guides organize services into broad categories, including disability rights law, employment, family caregivers and housing.  Each one of the 14 guides features links to the most frequently requested information about the topic at hand, along with curated links to additional sections of Disability.gov where helpful information may reside.

At the same time that Disability.gov is becoming more accessible, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is making communicating with the federal government easier by allowing people who use American Sign Language (ASL) to contact federal agencies using their phones or computers.  

According to an FCC press release, once the new program is implemented, ASL callers who contact the federal government and who have installed the appropriate software on their devices will be routed to a customer service center staffed with people who communicate through sign language.  The government will make the source code available to the public so that developers can create new applications that take advantage of the program.

To read the release describing the new ASL program, click here.

To begin your exploration of Disability.gov, click here.

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Phone: 731-661-0665