100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd. Suite 102 Garden City, NY 11530| 516-683-1717| http://www.vjrussolaw.com


"Here Comes the Sun" is the Newsletter from Russo Law Group, P.C. specifically for the Special Needs Community. For more information on any of the articles you read here, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Trump Initiatives Affecting Vulnerable Populations 

The election for Donald J. Trump surprised most voters. Some were elated. Some we shocked. Many knew or believed that they knew how the new president would proceed and which issues he would address Since his election, there's been more uncertainty about the administation's agenda and priorities.


When It Comes to Taxes, Special Needs Trusts Are Not All Equal

An often overlooked aspect of a special needs trust (SNT) is how the trust is taxed. Tax savings can be substantial depending on how the trust is structured.

Do You Need an Attorney to File for SSDI Benefits?

An attorney is probably unnecessary if you're just completing the initial application. But if your application is denied and you need to have a hearing, you’d be well advised to be represented by an attorney or another professional.

Is There a Difference Between "Supplemental" and "Special" Needs Trusts?

You may have heard the terms "special" needs trust and "supplemental" needs trust and wondered what the difference is. The short answer is that there's no difference. Here's the long answer.

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Owe Back Taxes? The IRS May Grant You Uncollectible Status

Sometimes people with disabilities or their families find themselves owing past-due federal taxes they cannot afford to pay. Although notices from the IRS can be especially frightening, there are solutions. 

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