August 2019 Newsletter

Kaeble Law LLC

14142 Denver West Parkway
Suite 287

Lakewood, CO 80401
(303) 877-8921

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With summer in full swing, now is the time to relax and enjoy some time away from your hectic schedules.  Perhaps you have been thinking about your estate plan and wondering if it is sufficient to meet the needs of you and your family.  Please call our office at 303.877.8921, and we would be happy to schedule an appointment for you to discuss your estate plan in more detail. 

Following are several articles that I found of interest; I hope you do as well.  Please feel free to share an article or two or the entire newsletter with family and friends.  


Medicaid's Gift to Children Who Help Parents Postpone Nursing Home Care
There are circumstances in which transferring a house will not result in a Medicaid penalty period, and one of those is if the Medicaid applicant transfers the house to a "caretaker child."

New Rule Once Again Allows Nursing Home Arbitration Agreements
The Trump administration is officially rolling back a ban on the use of arbitration agreements by nursing homes, once again allowing nursing facilities to ask families to give up their right to sue over patient injuries or deaths.
Reports Find Hospice Deficiencies Go Unaddressed
Hospice care is supposed to help terminally ill patients maintain their quality of life at the end of their life, but two new government reports find that serious problems in some hospices may be actually causing harm to hospice patients.
Should You Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?
Older Americans with a life insurance policy that they no longer need have the option to sell the policy to investors. These transactions, called "life settlements," can bring in needed cash, but are they a good idea?
Passing Retirement Benefits to a Child with Special Needs: It's Complicated

Many parents have their retirement savings socked away in 401(k)s and IRAs.  There are ways for beneficiaries to avoid paying taxes on the funds prematurely, but when a beneficiary has special needs, things get thorny.

New Law Ensures That the Needs of People with Disabilities Are Part of Disaster Planning

A new law expands the federal government's responsibilities to accommodate people with disabilities in natural disaster and emergency preparedness planning. 

Report: Recent Declines in Medicaid Coverage Linked to Paperwork Obstacles

A report finds that 1.6 million fewer people received Medicaid and CHIP in 2018, primarily due to paperwork hurdles confronted during the re-eligibility process.

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