How the $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Bill Aids Seniors
President Biden has signed the latest COVID-19 relief bill, which in addition to authorizing stimulus checks, funding vaccine distribution, and extending unemployment benefits, also provides assistance to seniors in a number of ways.
Biden Administration Eases Recommended Restrictions on Nursing Home Visits
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has issued new guidance on whether families can visit loved ones in nursing homes. The guidance allows indoor visitation even when the resident has not been vaccinated.
The Film 'I Care a Lot' Highlights Vulnerabilities in the Guardianship System
Netflix’s popular new movie, "I Care a Lot," may be far-fetched in a lot of ways, but it does highlight some real weaknesses in the guardianship system. Fortunately, steps can be taken to avoid the kind of nightmare the film portrays.
Medicaid's Coverage of Nursing Home Care
For better and for worse, Medicaid is the primary method of paying for nursing home care in the United States. But navigating the Medicaid system is complicated and confusing...
For Seniors
Jordan Balkema Elder Law Center has partnered with the Osceola County Commission on Aging to bring seniors a free opportunity to establish Patient Advocate documents (medical power of attorney). Having these in place help ensure that your preferences regarding medical, emergency and end-of-life care are followed.
To attend, please call the COA in Evart to make an appointment. Limited spaces available so call today.

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