Peck Ritchey is proud to educate residents and professionals in the Chicagoland community on a number of important issues surrounding aging and estate planning. Here's what we're currently up to:
Hoarding and the Law
May 19, 2021 at 5:30pm via Zoom
Sponsored by Artis Senior Living Lakeview
It's more than reality TV. Hoarding is a common problem, and recently, it has been recognized as a mental health disorder. In addition to the initial shock of the hoards of "stuff" that lie behind a hoarder's closed doors, what happens when the law steps in? This coversation will review the complete hoarding continuum: various solutions available such as guardianship, professional ethical concerns, housing/landlord issues and legal options to help ensure that relapses do not occur. Learn how an elder law attorney complements the health care team to ensure the disabled person receives the help they need.
1 CE for Nurses and Social Workers Available
Use this link to register: Register for Webinar
The Sandwich Generation
May 20, 2021 at 7:00pm via Zoom
Sponsored by North Shore Senior Center
Learn the role estate planning documents play in health care decision-making, the legal steps to be taken to protect aging family memers' physical and financial needs, tips to avoid guardianship and to prevent family disputes about decision-making, and information about powers of attorney, wills and trusts.
Use this link to register: Register for Webinar
Romancing for Riches
June 17, 2021 at 1:00pm via Zoom
Sponsored by Northbrook Inn Memory Care
This webinar will help you to better understand elder abuse, understand and avoid financial exploitation, and learn how to prevent or stop elder abuse from happening.
Use this link to register: Register for Webinar
If you are interested in having Peck Ritchey speak in your community, please contact Marketing Coordinator, Lauren Muttschall, at