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Flying the Coop – How an Estate Plan Benefits College Students
When children turn 18, parents have NO access to their adult child’s medical information and NO say in the type of medical care their child receives. Read our blog article to learn the simple solution to this problem. 
Britney Spears Case Puts Renewed Focus on Guardianships and Less Restrictive Alternatives
Britney Spears’s struggle to regain control over her business and personal life shines a spotlight on legal guardianship and alternatives that involve less loss of control over one's life.

New Tax Proposals Mean Some Should Review Their Estate Plans

A number of tax proposals being considered in Congress could significantly affect gifting and estate plans for people with with larger estates -- over $3.5 million. 

What Is a Fiduciary and What Are Its Obligations?

When you need someone else to care for money or property on your behalf, that person (or organization) is called a fiduciary


This newsletter is from Monteleon Law Group | Send to Friend | Subscribe | Web Version

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