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New Year’s Resolution? How About Creating an Estate Plan

Whether your New Year's resolutions include going to the gym more, eating healthier, or finally purchasing the dream car you’ve always wanted; there is another great resolution to add to your list: creating an estate plan.

How to Give Gifts to Your Grandchildren

Gifting assets to your grandchildren can do more than help your descendants get a good start in life -- it can also reduce the size of your estate and the tax that will be due upon your death.

When Can Someone Be Declared Legally Incompetent?

If a loved one is experiencing memory loss or suddenly making poor decisions, you may want the court to appoint a guardian, which requires a declaration of incompetence.  

You Can Just Say No: Declining to Act as an Agent Under a Power of Attorney

Acting as an agent under a power of attorney is a big responsibility and it isn’t something everyone can take on. It is possible to resign or refuse the position.


This newsletter is from Monteleon Law Group | Send to Friend | Subscribe | Web Version

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