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Cryptocurrency and Estate Planning: Passing on Your Crypto Assets
Cryptocurrency has evolved to play a major role in today’s society. Just like any of your other assets, cryptocurrency is undoubtedly something you will need to keep in mind when creating or updating your estate plan.
Requiring Adult Children to Pay for Aging Parents' Care

Did you know you could be responsible for your parents' unpaid bills? More than half of all states currently have laws making adult children financially responsible for their parents. However, these laws are rarely enforced.

How Community Property Affects Estate and Tax Planning

In most states, spouses can purchase and own property separately from one another. However, in community property states, if one spouse purchases property, it is the property of both spouses. This has implications for both estate and tax planning. 

The Tax Consequences of Selling a House After the Death of a Spouse

If your spouse dies, you may have to decide whether or when to sell your house. There are some tax considerations that go into that decision. 

Happy Independence Day!

On July 4th, 1776 the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence!

Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on the 4th became the day that was celebrated as the birth of American independence.

This newsletter is from Monteleon Law Group | Send to Friend | Subscribe | Web Version

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