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Trust vs. Inheritance: What is the Difference?

Two terms you will often hear surrounding estate planning are trusts and inheritance. While both involve the distribution of assets to another individual or individuals, there are notable differences between the two that you should be aware of.

Executor vs. Administrator: What is the Difference?

When you pass away, there will be someone in charge of handling the appropriate distribution of your assets and property. Whether or not this person is an executor or an administrator will depend on you having a will at the time of your passing.

Why You Should Designate Beneficiaries

A crucial, yet often overlooked, component of estate planning is reviewing assets, such as 401(k)s, pensions, and savings accounts, and ensuring you have listed a beneficiary for each of these.

Do You Need a Trust?: Estate Planning Q&A

Trusts are legal arrangements used in estate planning, alongside wills and advance directives.

Is "Aging in Place" Right for Me?

For those who wish to maintain their independence and continue living at home as they grow older, taking certain steps to protect their physical, mental, and financial welfare is essential.

Which Should I Choose? Nursing Home Care vs. Hospice Care

End-of-life care decisions are never easy, but many Medicare recipients are being forced to choose between nursing home or hospice care, although neither by themselves may be ideal for a patient nearing the end of life.



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