Owner’s Registration
Beginning January 1, 2024, “beneficial owners” of most corporations and LLCs will need to file a report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). If you own or control a company, you are most likely considered a “beneficial owner” who is required to file a report containing your name, address, date of birth, and identifying number (e.g., social security number).
Companies created prior to January 1, 2024, will have until January 1, 2025, to report. Companies created after January 1, 2024, will have to report within 90 days of creation.
This reporting requirement impacts nearly all small businesses. There are some exceptions, however. Penalties for non-compliance are steep, so we encourage you to go to www.fincen.gov/boi to see if your company or LLC must file. In addition, you may want to discuss your obligation to file with an attorney.