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121 Central Street, Suite 202
Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 821-8800


June 2024

The Care Your Family Needs

Claiming the Guardianship of an Elderly Parent
If your parent did not prepare for incapacity and name a person to act as their power of attorney, you won’t be able to create a legal document after they are mentally impaired. You will need to claim guardianship.

What Is a Contingent Beneficiary?
Creating an estate plan involves selecting people to receive your money, property, or other items if you pass away. When making a will, you’ll work with an estate planner to...

What You Should Know About Long-Term Care
Elder law attorneys understand the challenges of planning long-term care amidst the shifting care environment. Evaluating costs and developing strategies to pay for long-term care before you actually need it is crucial.

Elder Financial Abuse: How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help
Sadly, there are seemingly limitless financial fraud schemes that affect older Americans. The impact of financial abuse is enormous.

Probate Process: A General Timeline
In general, the probate process moves quickly if the estate has minimal assets and little debt. Larger estates can take anywhere from nine months to a few years, especially with problematic family dynamics.

Social Security Overpayment Rules Changing Under New Leader
By law, the Social Security Administration must attempt to recoup any overpayments it has issued, even if they were made by mistake. In many cases, the SSA would withhold entire checks from recipients it had overpaid.

Independent Living for People With Disabilities

People with disabilities often face barriers to living on their own. However, a variety of community-based options present an alternative to long-term care facilities, helping individuals with disabilities maintain autonomy.

How Are Benefits for Disability (SSDI) Calculated?

When applying for SSDI, many people want to know upfront how much they will be eligible to receive in benefits each month. An individual on a fixed income who can’t work because of a disability needs this information to ensure they will have sufficient income.

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