Robert C. Gerhard, III. Pennsylvania Medicaid - Nursing Home Care (George T. Bisel Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 2004. $125.
Medicaid is a joint state-federal program. While Congress and the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services set out the general guidelines under which it operates, each state runs its own program. As a result, the rules are somewhat different in every state.
ElderLawAnswers member attorney Robert C. Gerhard, III, has just written the definitive book on Medicaid law in the state where he practices, Pennsylvania. The book is directed at lawyers and financial advisers, but Gerhard is such a clear writer that consumers could benefit by having it as well.
The book consolidates and explains a variety of Pennsylvania regulations, statutes, and case law in one handy volume. Chapters detail, among other topics, the exact steps in the Medicaid application process, the rules for protecting assets for the community spouse, how to make Hurly appeals and calculations, and Pennsylvania's estate recovery provisions.
Supplementing Gerhard's lucid explanations is a wealth of primary source material essential to Medicaid planning in Pennsylvania, including more than 25 forms, informational material from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, and the entire "HCFA Transmittal 64." Attorneys will also benefit from the numerous "Practice Tips" sprinkled throughout the volume.
Citations abound, and even seasoned elder law attorneys in the state who know the law inside and out may appreciate having all the cites handy as a desk reference, while general practitioners will find the book a reliable reference for the most common questions.
In his preface, author Robert Gerhard stresses that his guide is "a work in progress," and he anticipates annual updates and future expansion.
Order a copy of Pennsylvania Medicaid: Nursing Home Care.
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