Stay in Charge of Your Medical Care

Many talk about self-determination in medical decision-making, but few do anything to make it a reality. Even when we take the appropriate steps, we may not get the results we want. Living wills govern only the limited circumstances of a coma, vegetative state or terminal illness. Studies reveal that agents appointed under health care proxies or powers of attorney often do not know what the person who appointed them would want in a particular situation.

A free booklet does something about this problem. Your Way: A Guide To Help You Stay in Charge helps people identify what is important to them and communicate that information to health care agents and others. The guide is free (two copies per household) from:

H. E. L. P., A Non-Profit Information Resource

for Older Adults

1404 Cravens Avenue

Torrance, California 90501

(310) 533-1996  

The guide also is available in PDF format on the H. E. L. P. Web site, at