Welcome to the November issue of the
Texas Elder Law E-letter
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks again to those who participated (whether as a donor or if you actually walked as part of our walk team, Michael’s Marchers) in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s last month. We are pleased to announce that Michael’s Marchers was awarded on November 17 for being one of the top ten fundraising teams for the Greater Dallas Alzheimer’s Association.
If interested in attending our free “Estate Planning Essentials” workshop on December 7 at 1:00 p.m., you should call (214) 720-0102 or sign up on online at www.dallaselderlawyer.com as soon as possible as generally such free workshops are “sold out”.
We would like to also thank the Senior Source for its Medicare workshop for the benefit of our clients on November 16. Also, Michael B. Cohen spoke on estate planning and public benefits earlier this month at Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital.
Also, don’t forget to listen to Michael B. Cohen’s radio show on KAAM 770 AM every Monday at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. and Saturday at 2:30 p.m. (some exceptions for SMU basketball).