
WELCOME to 2015!

Hopefully your holiday season was filled with family and fun.  With the new year among us, let us help you stay educated and involved in the Special Needs Community.

"Here Comes the Sun" is the the Newsletter from Vincent J. Russo & Associates, P.C. specifically for the Special Needs Community. For more information on any of the articles you read here, please do not hesitate to contact us!

What Can My Special Needs Trust Pay for Without Affecting My Disability Benefits?

One of the most commonly asked questions about special needs trusts is what can the trusts pay for without affecting the beneficiary's public assistance?

Congress Approves Tax-Free Savings Accounts for People with Disabilities

A new law just passed by Congress and signed by President Obama will allow people with disabilities who became disabled before they turned 26 to set aside up to $14,000 a year in tax-free savings accounts without affecting their eligibility...

Many Insurers Still Deny Needed Mental Health Coverage Despite Federal Law

Many insurance companies are routinely denying doctor requests that patients receive coverage for inpatient psychiatric treatment, sometimes with disastrous consequences, according to a recent investigative report by the CBS News show 60 Minutes.

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Finally, Military Members Can Name Special Needs Trusts as Beneficiaries of Survivor Benefit Plans

With the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015, Congress has, for the first time, allowed military members to name special needs trusts as beneficiaries of Survivor Benefit Plans (SBP). 

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